Confirmafy is committed to customer satisfaction. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a refund within 30 days of the purchase date. To request a refund just contact us via email or WhatsApp.
Confirmafy offers different plans. Each plan has an allocated number of appointments per month. Please note that if you use a substantial amount of your allocated whatsapp messages we may deduct the cost from your refund.
As Confirmafy is a software as a service (SaaS) platform, there is no physical product to be shipped. Our product is delivered digitally as a Mobile and Web Application.
Given the digital nature of our product, we do not offer a return policy for the Mobile and Web Application. However, customers are encouraged to utilize our 30-day refund policy if they are not satisfied with their purchase.
Customers can cancel their subscription to Confirmafy at any time. To cancel your subscription, please go to the subscription page, click on the "Go to billing portal" button and finally cancel the subscription. Upon cancellation, your access to the service will continue until the end of your current billing cycle. No further charges will be incurred after the cancellation of the subscription.
You can also contact us via email or WhatsApp and we'll cancel the subscription for you
For any further questions or concerns regarding our fulfillment policies, please contact our customer support team.